Performs a Find operation where the output is to be a projection across one or more types in the query rather than an entity result and the resulting projection is to be mapped to a specified type.

Namespace:  Mindscape.LightSpeed.ServiceModel
Assembly:  Mindscape.LightSpeed.ServiceModel (in Mindscape.LightSpeed.ServiceModel.dll)
Version: (


Object[] ProjectToType(
	string typename,
	Query query
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<UseNetDataContractSerializerAttribute> _
<OperationContractAttribute> _
Function ProjectToType ( _
	typename As String, _
	query As Query _
) As Object()


Type: System..::.String
The fully qualified type which to project the results into.
Type: Mindscape.LightSpeed.Querying..::.Query
The query to be executed which must contain the entity type.

Return Value

An array of objects of the requested type where the data will be mapped in a 1:1 fashion from the result set against the properties of the type.


This operation is typically called when executing a query where the output is to be an known but non entity shape given the entities involved in the query. e.g. select a.Name, b.Description from EntityA a inner join EntityB b on a.SomeProperty = b.SomeProperty where we have a known type such as: public class ABDescriptor { public string Name { get; set; } public string Description { get; set; } }

See Also