Overload List

Import<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(Object)
Imports the specified source object to the current unit of work which will map its properties against the currently loaded version of an associated entity, the type of which shall be TEntity.
(Inherited from UnitOfWork.)
Import<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(TEntity)
Imports the specified Entity to the current unit of work which will associate it with the current UnitOfWork and sync it against the current state from either the database or identity map.
(Inherited from UnitOfWork.)
Import<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(Object, Func<(Of <(Type, Object, Object>)>))
Imports the specified source object to the current unit of work which will map its properties against the currently loaded version of an associated entity, the type of which shall be TEntity.
(Inherited from UnitOfWork.)

See Also