The Mindscape.PhoneElements namespace contains the Phone Elements controls and supporting classes.


Public classBooleanToThicknessConverter
Selects a Thickness according to a boolean value.
Public classBooleanToVisibilityConverter
Converts a Boolean value to a visibility.
Public classClip
A helper class for allowing a visual element to clip its content using a rectangular bounds.
Public classColorChannelAdjustmentBrushConverter
Converts a color or solid brush to a gradient brush showing the effects of adjusting one channel on that color. This is used for displaying mixer channels in a ColorPicker template.
Public classColorChannelToTemplateConverter
Selects a ControlTemplate for the RepeatButton part of a channel mixer in a CustomColorPicker control.
Public classColorPicker
Allows the user to select a Color.
Public classColorPickerPage
A color picker page containing a list of NamedColor objects.
Public classColorPickerPageBase
A base class for a PhoneApplicationPage that can be opened by a ColorPicker.
Public classColorToSolidColorBrushConverter
Converts a Color to a SolidColorBrush.
Public classCustomColorPicker
A control that displays a slider for each color channel allowing the user to create a custom color.
Public classCustomColorPickerPage
A color picker page containing a CustomColorPicker()()()().
Public classDatePicker
Allows the user to select a DateTime object.
Public classDatePickerPage
The standard page that can be opened by a DatePicker.
Public classDateTimeWrapper
A wrapper class for a DateTime object. This helps obtain culture dependent information from the DateTime.
Public classDayOfMonthDataSource
A looping data source that loops through the days of the current month. This looping data source uses DateTimeWrapper objects.
Public classDockPanel
A panel that arranges its children against its edges.
Public classDragCompletedGestureEventArgs
Contains event data for the drag completed gesture.
Public classDragDeltaGestureEventArgs
Contains event data for the drag delta gesture.
Public classDragStartedGestureEventArgs
Contains event data for the drag started gesture.
Public classDualGestureEventArgs
A base class for gesture event args that manage 2 touch points.
Public classFlickGestureEventArgs
Contains event data related to the flick gesture.
Public classFormattingConverter
Formats a binding source value using a format string.
Public classGestureEventArgs
A base class for event args containing data for gestures.
Public classGestureListener
Raises gesture events for a UIElement.
Public classHeaderedItemsControl
A simple HeaderedItemsControl implementation.
Public classListToSubListConverter
Extracts a sub-list from a master list.
Public classLoopingListBox
A control that loops through a data source allowing a user to select an item.
Public classLoopingListBoxItem
Displays a single data item in a LoopingListBox control.
Public classMonthOfYearDataSource
A looping data source that loops through the 12 months of a year. This looping data source uses DateTimeWrapper objects.
Public classMovingGestureEventArgs
A base class for gesture event args that suggest some kind of movement.
Public classNamedColor
Maps a Color to a name.
Public classNotifyingColor
Encapsulates a Color and provides notification of changes to individual channels in order to support Silverlight data binding.
Public classNumericDataSource
A looping data source that loops through a sequence of consecutive numbers.
Public classObjectDataSource
A looping data source the loops through a sequence of objects.
Public classPaletteColorPicker
A control that display a color palette allowing the user to select a Color.
Public classPaletteColorPickerPage
A color picker page containing a PaletteColorPicker.
Public classPickerBase
A base class for picker controls that open up a page containg the picker UI.
Public classPinchGestureEventArgs
Contains event data related to the PinchStarted, PinchDelta and PinchCompleted gestures.
Public classStandardPalettes
Provides standard color palettes.
Public classThicknessToDoubleConverter
Converts a Thickness into a double. This is useful for binding a BorderThickness property to a StrokeThickness property.
Public classTimePicker
Allows the user to select a time of day.
Public classTimePickerPage
The standard page that can be opened by a TimePicker.
Public classViewModelBase
Provides property change notification servics for view model objects.
Public classYearlyDataSource
A data source that lists a sequence of consecutive years from 1601 to 3000. This data source uses DateTimeWrapper objects. This data source does not loop through the sequence.


Public structureTimeOfDay
Represents a time of day.


Public interfaceIDataSource
Aids in virtualisation for a sequential list of data.
Public interfaceIDatePickerPage
Represents a PhoneApplicationPage that can be opened by a DatePicker control.
Public interfaceITimePickerPage
Represents a PhoneApplicationPage that can be opened by a TimePicker control.


Public enumerationColorChannel
Represents one of the four channels of a Color.
Public enumerationColorPickerMode
Defines which UI a ColorPicker should use for selecting a color.
Public enumerationDock
Specifies the edge of a DockPanel in which to arrange an element.
Public enumerationFlickDirection
Defines the direction of movement for a flick gesture.
Public enumerationTimeDisplayMode
Specifies how to visualy display time.