A single segment within an IDiagramConnection. DiagramConnectionSegment objects have access to the next or previous DiagramConnectionSegment from this themselves allowing them to be chained together. DiagramConnectionSegment objects only have a single Point representing the end point of the segment. The start point of the segment is the end point of the previous segment. So the first segment in a chain is only a single point. DiagramConnectionSegment objects ensure that there is a bidirectional link between the next and previous segments.

Namespace:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation
Assembly:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation (in Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation.dll)
Version: (


public class DiagramConnectionSegment : DependencyObject
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class DiagramConnectionSegment _
	Inherits DependencyObject

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also