The MaskedTextBox type exposes the following members.


Gets or sets whether literals are automatically skipped during text entry. If true, user input (and deletion) is automatically sent to the next edit position, so the user can type past literals; if false, the user must type or cursor over literals. The default is true. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the culture used for parsing and formatting of user input. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FilteringTextBoxBase.)
Gets or sets the style used to display characters entered by the user. This is a dependency property.
Gets whether the mask has been completed, i.e. all mandatory positions have been filled. Input into a completed mask may still be possible if optional positions are unfilled. This is a dependency property.
Gets whether the mask is full, i.e. all available positions have been filled and no further input is possible. This is a dependency property.
Gets the result of the last operation (user text entry) into the MaskedTextBox. This can be used to control the content of user assistance or error indicators. This is a dependency property.
Gets the result of the last operation (user text entry) into the MaskedTextBox. This can be used to control the visibility of user assistance or error indicators. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the style used to display literal characters from the mask. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the mask. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the object used to customize the appearance of prompt elements. This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the style used to display prompts (mask positions where input is permitted but the user has not yet entered a character). This is a dependency property.
Gets or sets the text displayed to represent the value. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FilteringTextBoxBase.)
Gets or sets the text alignment. This is a dependency property.
(Inherited from FilteringTextBoxBase.)

See Also