Specifies when a numeric text box enforces range (minimum and maximum) constraints.

Namespace:  Mindscape.WpfElements
Assembly:  Mindscape.WpfElements (in Mindscape.WpfElements.dll)
Version: (


public enum RangeConstraintMode
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Enumeration RangeConstraintMode


Member nameDescription
Range constraints are enforced at all times. The user is not permitted to edit the value in a way that would take it out of range.
Range constraints are not enforced while the user is editing the text box. When the text box loses focus, if the value is below the minimum, it is reset to the minimum, and if value is above the maximum, it is reset to the maximum.
Range constraints are not enforced while the user is editing the text box, unless the user presses the Return key. When the text box loses focus or the user presses the Return key, if the value is below the minimum, it is reset to the minimum, and if the value is above the maximum, it is reset to the maximum.

See Also