Mindscape LightSpeed - User Reference & API Documentation
FindOne Method
API ReferenceMindscape.LightSpeedRepositoryFindOne()()()
FindOne<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(Object)
Finds a single Entity by it's id.

FindOne(Type, Object)
Finds a single Entity by it's id.

FindOne<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(QueryExpression)
Finds a single Entity that satisifies the provided QueryExpression.

FindOne(Type, QueryExpression)
Finds a single Entity that satisifies the provided QueryExpression.

FindOne<(Of <(TEntity>)>)(Query)
Finds a single entity that that satisfies the specified Query.

Finds a single entity that that satisfies the specified Query.

Assembly: Mindscape.LightSpeed (Module: Mindscape.LightSpeed) Version: 1.2.1393.0 (1.2.1393.0)