Gets or sets whether this DiagramSurface should detect and manage collisions between DiagramConnectionSegment objects and DiagramNodeElement objects. If this property is set to true, then collisions will be ignored. Note that if this property is set to true, collisions still can not occur with a segment and the node that it is directly connected to.

Namespace:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming
Assembly:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation (in Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation.dll)
Version: (


public virtual bool AllowSegmentToNodeCollisions { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overridable Property AllowSegmentToNodeCollisions As Boolean


Collision avoidance is applied only to manually placed connection segments. This setting does not affect automatic routing by an IPathfinder.

See Also