Constructs a PathGeometry from a list of DiagramConnectionSegment objects, applying curved or bevelled corners.

Namespace:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation
Assembly:  Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation (in Mindscape.WpfDiagramming.Foundation.dll)
Version: (


public class CorneredPathBuilder : PathBuilderBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Class CorneredPathBuilder _
	Inherits PathBuilderBase


The CorneredPathBuilder softens the corners between adjacent segments, creating curved or bevelled corners in the generated geometry according to the CornerType and CornerRadius properties.

If displaying an arrowhead on the connection, you may need to set up the StartOffset, EndOffset and ArrowLength properties. The StartOffset and EndOffset properties tell the CorneredPathBuilder not to run the path geometry all the way to the end of the first or last segment. This is important for wide connections to prevent them from poking out from under the arrow graphic. The ArrowLength property tells the CorneredPathBuilder the length of the arrow so that it does not curve or bevel a corner in such a way as to overlap the arrow.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also