The Mindscape.SilverlightElements namespace contains the Silverlight Elements controls and supporting classes.


Public classAddScheduleItemEventArgs
Contains event data relating to adding a ScheduleItem to a schedule.
Public classBook
Displays items as the pages of a book.
Public classBookLeaf
Represents a two sided page of a Book.
Public classBookPage
Represents a side of a BookLeaf.
Public classBookSideToVisibilityConverter
Converts a BookSide to a Visibility.
Public classBooleanToBrushConverter
Selects a brush according to a boolean value.
Public classBooleanToCornerRadiusConverter
Selects a CornerRadius based on the boolean source value.
Public classBooleanToStyleConverter
Selects a style according to a boolean value.
Public classBooleanToThicknessConverter
Selects a Thickness according to a boolean value.
Public classBooleanToVisibilityConverter
Converts a Boolean value to a visibility.
Public classClick
Provides attached properties for assigning commands to buttons.
Public classColorChannelAdjustmentBrushConverter
Converts a color or solid brush to a gradient brush showing the effects of adjusting one channel on that color. This is used for displaying mixer channels in a ColorPicker template.
Public classColorPicker
A control where users can select a color from a swatch or palette or using a mixer.
Public classColorPickerBase
The common base class for color selection controls.
Public classColorPickerItem
Represents an entry (a color selection) in a ColorPickerBase control.
Public classColorSliderRepeatButtonTemplateSelector
Selects a ControlTemplate for the RepeatButton part of a channel mixer in a ColorPicker control.
Public classColorToNameConverter
Converts between Color values and names.
Public classColorToSolidColorBrushConverter
Converts a Color to a SolidColorBrush.
Public classContentColumnMapping
Contains the mapping between content and columns in a ListView.
Public classContextMenu
A menu that can be contained in a Popup. Supports MenuItem and Separator objects and can also display a hierarchy of items.
Public classCountLimitedPanel
Represents a panel which lays out its children in a stack, but truncates the layout after a specified number of children.
Public classCoverFlow
A control that arranges items in a row such that the selected object is displayed in the center of the control, with the other items arranged to either side in a pseudo-perspective view, and animates the transition when the selection changes.
Public classCoverFlowItem
Implements a selectable item within a CoverFlow.
Public classCreateScheduleItemArgs
Provides information about creating and adding a schedule item to a Schedule.
Public classCreateScheduleItemResult
Provides information about the result of creating and adding a schedule item to a Schedule.
Public classDataTemplateSelector
Provides a way to choose a DataTemplate based on the data object and the data-bound element.
Public classDateRangeDisplayConverter
Formats the date range of a ScheduleView suitably for display in the SchedulerNavigationBar.
Public classDateTimeToDayOfMonthStringConverter
Converts a date to a string suitable for display as the day caption in a monthly view. By default, this is the day of the month (e.g. "15"). However, if the day is part of a week that spans a month boundary, then the month is appended if the day is the first day of that week, or the first day of the month. For example, in the week beginning 29 March 2010, 29 March would be formatted as "29 Mar", 30 March as "30", 31 March as "31" and 1 April as "1 Apr". Similar display logic applies to weeks that span a year boundary.
Public classDateTimeToDayOfWeekStringConverter
Formats a DateTime as a day of the week (e.g. "Monday").
Public classDateTimeToFullDateStringConverter
Converts a date to its full date representation (e.g. "1 January 2010").
Public classDateTimeToMonthStringConverter
Converts a DateTime value to its full month name (e.g. "January").
Public classDayView
Represents a single-day view in a Scheduler control.
Public classDeleteRecurrenceDialog
A dialog box to ask the user if they want to delete an entire recurrence pattern or just one of its schedule items.
Public classDimensionConverter
Converts a dimension to an adjusted value.
Public classDockPanel
A panel that arranges its children against its edges.
Public classDualProgressBar
A progress bar that can display two indicators, one for the overall progress, and another the progress of the current sub-operation.
Public classDualSlider
A control that supports selecting two values, such as the start and end of a range, using a slider with two thumbs.
Public classEditableTextBlock
Represents a text area that is read-only normally, but can be clicked to enable editing.
Public classElementViewStatusToBrushConverter
Selects a brush according to an ElementViewStatus.
Public classEveryNDaysRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem at a regular daily interval.
Public classEveryWeekdayRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on every weekday (Monday to Friday).
Public classExpandableCellTemplateInfo
Contains templating information for an expandable cell in a MulticolumnTreeView.
Public classExpander
A control that displays a header and can be expanded or collapsed to show or hide its content.
Public classFixedCellSizeGrid
A type of panel that displays its children in a grid with a specified number of rows and columns. Optionally, a constant child size can be specified.
Public classFixedDataTemplateSelector
A type of DataTemplateSelector that always returns the same fixed DataTemplate.
Public classFixedStyleSelector
A type of StyleSelector that always returns the same fixed style.
Public classGridViewColumn
Represents a column definition in a ListView or MulticolumnTreeView.
Public classGridViewColumnCollection
Represents a collection of GridViewColumn objects.
Public classGridViewColumnHeader
Displays a single column header in a ListView.
Public classGridViewColumnResizer
Provides a user interface for resizing a GridViewColumn by dragging or double-clicking the mouse.
Public classHyperlinkDialog
Represents a dialog for adding or editing a hyperlink in a RichTextEditor.
Public classIntegerToRomanNumeralConverter
Converts an integer value into a roman numeral string.
Public classIntegerToVisibilityConverter
A converter that converts an integer to a Visibility based on the VisibleInteger property.
Public classLeftMarginConverter
Converts a double value to a Thickness representing a left margin offset.
Public classLevelToIndentConverter
Converts an integer level to a Thickness for indenting that level.
Public classListStyleTypePicker
A control for selecting list styles in a RichTextEditor.
Public classListStyleTypes
Provides access to the list styles supported by the RichTextEditor.
Public classListToSubListConverter
Extracts a sub-list from a master list.
Public classListView
A control which displays a list of items in a tabular format with multiple columns.
Public classListViewHeaderRow
Displays column headers in a ListView.
Public classListViewItem
Represents an item in a ListView.
Public classListViewItemBase
Represents an item in a ListView.
Public classMenu
Represents a menu that enables you to hierarchically organize elements associated with commands and event handlers.
Public classMenuItem
Represents a selectable item inside a Menu or another MenuItem.
Public classMinuteOfHourBrushConverter
Selects a brush according to whether a minutes value is on the hour or not.
Public classMonthlyPatternRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a monthly schedule defined by a pattern (e.g. last Friday of every second month).
Public classMonthlyRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a monthly basis.
Public classMonthView
Represents a month view in a Scheduler control.
Public classMonthViewDayElement
Displays a single day in the month view of a Scheduler.
Public classMouseWheel
Provides access to mouse wheel events.
Public classMouseWheelEventArgs
Contains data for mouse wheel events.
Public classMultiCalendar
A control for selecting one or more DateTime objects. This control can display multiple months based on the size available.
Public classMultiCalendarButton
A button used by MultiCalendar sub items in order to change the view mode.
Public classMultiCalendarDateCollection
Represents a collection of selected dates within a MultiCalendar.
Public classMultiCalendarDayButton
A button to be used in a MultiCalendar to provide mouse interaction logic.
Public classMultiCalendarItem
An item that can be displayed by a MultiCalendar control such as a month, year or decade.
Public classMultiCalendarItemControl
A control used for display multi-calendar items and providing commands to the MultiCalendar control.
Public classMultiCalendarViewModeToTemplateConverter
Converts a MultiCalendarViewMode to a template.
Public classMulticolumnTreeView
A control with the expand/collapse functionality of a TreeView, but supporting multiple columns like a ListView.
Public classMulticolumnTreeViewItem
Implements a selectable item in a MulticolumnTreeView control.
Public classNamedColor
Associates a name with a color according to the Silverlight color naming standard.
Public classNegativeConverter
Converts a double value to its negative.
Public classNotifyingColor
Encapsulates a Color and provides notification of changes to individual channels in order to support Silverlight data binding.
Public classNthDayOfMonthRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a monthly basis on specific day of the month (e.g. the 20th of every third month).
Public classNumericUpDown
Displays a numeric value which can be increased or decreased using buttons or the up/down keyboard arrow keys.
Public classObjectToVisibilityConverter
Converts an object to a Visibility based on if the object is null or not.
Public classObservableDictionary<(Of <(<'TKey, TValue>)>)>
Represents a dictionary that provides notifications when items get added, removed, or when the whole list is refreshed.
Public classOutlookBar
A control which allows a user to select between multiple content panes using a set of buttons, which can be collapsed to small icons depending on the amount of space available for the button stack.
Public classOutlookBarItem
Represents a pane or tab in an OutlookBar control.
Public classPaletteColorPicker
A control where users can select a color from a fixed palette.
Public classRecurrenceDialog
Provides a user interface for editing the recurrence pattern of a recurring ScheduleItem.
Public classRecurrenceInfo
Specifies the recurrence schedule for a ScheduleItem.
Public classRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence pattern of a recurring ScheduleItem.
Public classRecurrencePatternXmlSerializer
Contains helper methods for serializing recurrence patterns to XML.
Public classReflectionPositionConverter
Calculates the offset of reflection elements within a CoverFlow.
Public classRichTextEditor
Provides a user interface for editing formatted text such as HTML.
Public classScalingConverter
Scales the input by a specified amount.
Public classSchedule
Contains schedule data for display in a Scheduler control.
Public classScheduleItem
Represents an item such as an appointment or task in a Schedule.
Public classScheduleItemCollectionChangedEventArgs
Provides event data for when a ScheduleItem is added to or removed from a collection.
Public classScheduleItemDialog
Provides a dialog-based interface for editing a ScheduleItem.
Public classScheduleItemEventArgs
Provides data for an event pertaining to a ScheduleItem.
Public classScheduleItemMover
Provides a user interface for moving a ScheduleItem by dragging with the mouse.
Public classScheduleItemPropertyChangedEventArgs
Contains event data relating to changing the value of one of the properties of a ScheduleItem.
Public classScheduleItemTimeChanger
Provides a user interface for changing the start or end time of a ScheduleItem by dragging with the mouse.
Public classScheduler
A control which displays a schedule, for example of appointments or tasks, using a set of calendar views.
Public classSchedulerCanvas
Represents a canvas on which schedule items can be laid out in a detail view.
Public classSchedulerCanvasBase
Represents a canvas on which schedule items can be laid out.
Public classSchedulerElement
Represents a ScheduleItem on a display surface (typically a SchedulerCanvasBase.
Public classSchedulerElementDisplayStateToCornerRadiusConverter
Calculates the corner radius for displaying a SchedulerElement in a view. The element is given rounded corners on the left or top if it includes the start of the schedule item, and on the right or bottom if it includes the end of the schedule item; otherwise, the item is given non-rounded corners.
Public classSchedulerElementDisplayStateToThicknessConverter
Calculates the margin for displaying a SchedulerElement in a view. The element is offset from the left if includes the start of the schedule item, and from the right if includes the end of the schedule item; otherwise, the element bleeds to the edge of the view.
Public classSchedulerElementDisplayStateToTimeStringConverter
Formats the time component of a SchedulerElementDisplayState for display.
Public classSchedulerFormatter
Provides formatting information for a Scheduler control.
Public classSchedulerNavigationBar
Provides a user interface for navigating through a Schedule displayed in a Scheduler control.
Public classScheduleView
The base class for specific views in the Scheduler (day, week and month views).
Public classSeparator
A control that is used to separate items in items controls.
Public classSizeLimitedPanel
Represents a panel which lays out its children in a stack, but truncates the layout to the available size instead of growing to meet the demands of the children.
Public classSizeToMarginConverter
Scales and converts a Size to a Thickness for use as a margin.
Public classSlider
A slider with tick mark support.
Public classSliderBase
The base class for slider controls.
Public classSmallSchedulerCanvas
Represents a canvas on which schedule items can be laid out in a summary view.
Public classSpecificDateYearlyRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a yearly basis on specific day of the year (e.g. every 25th of April).
Public classSplitButton
A button which also provides an optional drop-down menu for selecting alternate commands.
Public classStandardPalettes
Provides standard palettes for use with the ColorPicker control.
Public classStandardRichTextEditorToolBar
Provides a standard toolbar for use with the RichTextEditor control.
Public classStringTemplate
Maps a string to a data template in a StringToDataTemplateConverter.
Public classStringToDataTemplateConverter
Selects a data template using strings as keys.
Public classStyleSelector
Provides a way to apply styles based on custom logic.
Public classTemplateSelectableContentControl
Displays content using either a content template, a content template selector or a simple display member binding.
Public classThicknessToDoubleConverter
Converts a Thickness into a double. This is useful for binding a BorderThickness property to a StrokeThickness property.
Public classTimeOfDayToMinuteStringConverter
Converts a time to a string suitable for display in the "minute" portion of the "time of day" bar in a day or week view.
Public classTimeOfDayToStringConverter
Converts a TimeOfDay object into a formatted string displaying the hours, minutes and AM/PM designator. Hours are displayed in 12 hour clock time. Minutes are always displayed with 2 digits.
Public classTimeOfDayVerticalOffsetConverter
Determines the vertical offset at which to display items corresponding to a particular time of day.
Public classTimePicker
Provides a user interface for selecting a time of day by entering a time or selecting from a drop-down list.
Public classTimePickerBase
A base class for time picker controls that have a drop-down part and up/down functionality.
Public classTimeSlot
Represents a slot on the display surface of a Scheduler control.
Public classTimeSlotStateToBrushConverter
Selects a brush according to an TimeSlotState.
Public classTimeSpanPicker
Provides a user interface for selecting a duration or TimeSpan by entering a value directly or selecting from a drop-down list.
Public classTimeSpanToLinearDimensionConverter
Converts a TimeSpan to a linear dimension.
Public classTimeSpanToStringConverter
Converts a TimeSpan to a formated string showing the number of minutes, hours, days or weeks.
Public classTimeStringConverterBase
Provides a base class for converters that output strings representing times.
Public classTypeMatchVisibilityConverter
Selects the visibility of an element according to whether the input is of a specified type.
Public classUniformGrid
Provides uniform sizing and spacing in a single row or column.
Public classUpdateBindingMode
Supports immediate updates for TextBox Text data bindings, similar to the Binding.UpdateSourceTrigger option in WPF.
Public classViewModelBase
Provides property change notification servics for view model objects.
Public classWeeklyRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a weekly basis.
Public classWeekToStringConverter
Formats a week as a date range string.
Public classWeekView
Represents a week view in a Scheduler control.
Public classYearlyPatternRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a yearly basis according to a pattern (e.g. the first Tuesday of November every four years).
Public classYearlyRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence of a ScheduleItem on a yearly basis.
Public classZeroPaddingConverter
Converts a doube value to a zero-padded string.


Public structureDateRange
Represents a range of dates.
Public structureDateRangeDisplayInfo
Provides display information for a date range.
Public structureSchedulerElementDisplayState
Contains display information for a SchedulerElement.
Public structureTimeOfDay
Represents a time of day.


Public interfaceIDoubleClickObserver
Implemented by controls that want to receive notifications when the user double-clicks.
Public interfaceIListStyleType
Represents a list style, such as round bullets or Roman numbering.
Public interfaceIMouseWheelObserver
Implemented by controls that want to be notified of mouse wheel events.
Public interfaceIRecurrencePattern
Represents the recurrence pattern of a recurring ScheduleItem.
Public interfaceIScheduleItemBuilder
Implementations of IScheduleItemBuilder can add custom schedule items to a schedule.


Public enumerationBookSide
Specifies the side of a Book.
Public enumerationColorChannel
Represents one of the four channels of a Color.
Public enumerationCoverFlowMouseSelectionMode
Specifies how the mouse can be used to interactively select an item within a CoverFlow.
Public enumerationDateDisplayMode
Specifies whether dates should be formatted with the day of the month or as the month name only.
Public enumerationDayOfRecurrence
The day on which a recurring schedule item recurs. This may be a day of the week, or it may match multiple days of the week (as in "last day of the month" or "first weekday in January"). It is used in conjunction with the Occurrence type.
Public enumerationDock
Specifies the edge of a DockPanel in which to arrange an element.
Public enumerationElementViewStatus
Provides status information for use in rendering a MonthViewDayElement.
Public enumerationExpandDirection
Specifies the expand direction of an Expander.
Public enumerationGridViewColumnHeaderRole
Defines the state or role of a GridViewColumnHeader control.
Public enumerationHyperlinkDialogType
Specifies whether to display a HyperlinkDialog as an edit or create dialog.
Public enumerationListType
Specifies whether a list in a RichTextEditor has ordered captions.
Public enumerationMenuItemRole
Specifies the type of a MenuItem.
Public enumerationMultiCalendarViewMode
Specifies which view mode a MultiCalendar is currently in.
Public enumerationOccurrence
Specifies on which occurrence of a day in a month a recurring schedule item recurs (as in "last Friday of the month" or "first weekday in January"). This is used in conjunction with the DayOfRecurrence type.
Public enumerationRecurrenceEndType
Specifies when a recurring schedule item will end.
Public enumerationRichTextEditorBlockType
Specifies the type of block element containing the caret in a RichTextEditor.
Public enumerationScheduleItemCreationType
Specifies the cause of a ScheduleItem being created.
Public enumerationTimeEnd
Specifies which end (start or finish) of a schedule item is being referred to.
Public enumerationTimeSlotState
Specifies status information used for rendering a TimeSlot.
Public enumerationWeekViewMode
Specifies whether to show a full week in Week view, or only the work week (Monday to Friday).