WPF Elements forum

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Sticky threads
sticky thread WPF Property Grid FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
sticky thread Licensing exceptions FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread TypeConverter GetStandardValues(context) Context is null
Last post by Briansmect about 7 years ago
14 replies
thread DataGrid-EditorTemplate UpdateSourceTrigger=LostFocus
Last post by Fozzmut about 7 years ago
24 replies
thread DataGrid not updating when it bind to DataTable.DefaultView
Last post by Bryaddeast about 7 years ago
3 replies
thread Can I specify Chart Data Labels? (other than data value)
Last post by makeupsetei about 7 years ago
13 replies
thread Preventing MaskedTextBox from going vertical
Last post by Richardbiz about 7 years ago
17 replies
thread Suitability of Mindscape PropertyGrid
Last post by electricitonpMr about 7 years ago
3 replies
thread Vertical Legend
Last post by RedTismApamy about 7 years ago
6 replies
thread Where are the samples
Last post by erdnay about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread Alternative Y-Axes questions
Last post by ctonichtomm about 7 years ago
23 replies
thread Negative values with stacked bar chart don't work well
Last post by gPeter about 7 years ago
9 replies
thread Can we have the formula/algorithm of the spline curve of the chart control
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
10 replies
thread Tabbing through a WPF Elements Propertygrid
Last post by AshMatheson about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread DataGrid loses sorting when ItemsSource is bound to an IObservableCollection
Last post by fdmlp about 7 years ago
4 replies
thread Context menu on a line sereis of a chart
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
3 replies
thread NaN value causes unhandled exception in StackedAreaSeries
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
1 reply
thread Stacked Bar Chart - How to highlight two of the stacked bars differently than the other?
Last post by OscarB about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread Problem combining a bar series and line series.
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
6 replies
thread Enum values in column filter
Last post by gPeter about 7 years ago
6 replies
thread DataGrid Row span
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
1 reply
thread Pie Chart Background
Last post by gPeter about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread Pie chart handling of negatives
Last post by gPeter about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread Pie chart label leader lines don't adjust for RadiusFactor
Last post by gPeter about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread Exception (probably harmless)
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
1 reply
thread Bug in VisualTreeUtils.FindAncestor when routed event goes through an HyperLink object
Last post by fdmlp about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread Objects on Chart not at correct location
Last post by klogue about 8 years ago
9 replies