WPF Diagrams forum

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This forum has been locked and is no longer accepting new posts. If you have a support query regarding this product please email us at support@mindscape.co.nz

Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread FindMouseOverElement()
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
3 replies
thread Connection point thumb and diagram connection point
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread Specify connection point position in node constructor
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread Always display connection points
Last post by richardc about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread Questions considering DiagramConnectionElement
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread DiagramShapes and Blend
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread Turning off VisualCursor
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
4 replies
thread Difference between nodes and shapes
Last post by ivan about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread Diagram cursors on Panning / Zooming / Dragging
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread Selection via Drag upon touching nodes
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread Enable Multi Connections Creation
Last post by Jason about 12 years ago
3 replies
thread DiagramNodeTool template
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
8 replies
thread CursorVisual render position
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread DiagramToolBoxGroups customization
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread Events when entering Node area while dragging DiagramNodeTool
Last post by Przemo about 12 years ago
1 reply
thread collision of labels "Data"
Last post by shuraz about 12 years ago
2 replies
thread Saving file reassigns ID's on nodes and connections
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread Diagram rendering performance issues
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
3 replies
thread Disable Diagram Undo
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread Can diagrams manage constraints on links to create Grafcet type diagrams
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread GridLayoutAlgorithm and Node/Connection Collisions
Last post by ivan about 13 years ago
7 replies
thread Labels at Connection Points?
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread DiagramBitmapRenderer - possibly memory leak
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread MouseWheel event on custom Node's ComboBox
Last post by Jason about 13 years ago
1 reply
thread Connection serialize/deserialize
Last post by shuraz about 13 years ago
10 replies