NHibernate Designer forum

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Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread WCF service and Designer - how to avoid the contract attributes to become overwritten by Designer?
Last post by marylounw3 about 7 years ago
5 replies
thread Performance problems using one-to-one mapping with shared primary key entities/tables
Last post by ebodobaqforo about 7 years ago
3 replies
thread Group By with nHibernate 2.2
Last post by Askold about 7 years ago
0 replies
thread [MySQL] How to specify MEDIUMTEXT or LONGTEXT
Last post by marchino74 about 8 years ago
4 replies
thread Fluent nHibernate - getting started
Last post by GlenAvery about 8 years ago
0 replies
thread Question about NHibernate Designer instalation
Last post by zach about 8 years ago
0 replies
thread Visual Studio 2013 FilePerType
Last post by Magellan about 9 years ago
0 replies
thread Unidirectional one-to-many association
Last post by ppasieka about 9 years ago
4 replies
thread Unrecognised project type; can't generate starter code for this language
Last post by fulgore about 9 years ago
0 replies
thread The custome tool 'NHibernateModelGenerator' failed. Object reference not set to an instance of an object
Last post by bjornmuh about 9 years ago
7 replies
thread Error when migrating down on MySQL
Last post by kilkfoe about 9 years ago
0 replies
thread Inheritance and Normalization for NHibernate
Last post by deadManN about 9 years ago
0 replies
thread My file is Crowded. How can i split my file into many .NHmodel files?
Last post by bjornmuh about 9 years ago
0 replies
thread Weird error message, when creating SQL script
Last post by jeremy about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread Dark Theme inconsistencies
Last post by mmisztal about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread Database select executions with NHibernate
Last post by jeremy about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Error Adding New NHibernate Model - The custom tool 'NHibernateModelGenerator' failed
Last post by jeremy about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Remove unwanted association in Many to Many relationship
Last post by gussamanjan about 10 years ago
0 replies
thread Foreign Keys in the designer
Last post by Aranius about 10 years ago
6 replies
thread Nhibernate Designer not updating classes anymore!
Last post by jeremy about 10 years ago
5 replies
thread The custom tool 'NHibernateModelGenerator' failed
Last post by jeremy about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread mapping issue
Last post by alihassan about 10 years ago
0 replies
thread Unable To Add New Model To Project
Last post by JFlorey about 11 years ago
4 replies
thread Multiple mappings to a property (Invalid index n for this SqlParameterCollection with Count=m error)
Last post by jeremy about 11 years ago
3 replies
thread Oracle10g Connection
Last post by actoncarlyle about 11 years ago
1 reply