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Hi guys, I'm trying out the new charting controls, first impressions are very promising, easy to get started and they look great. Now I'm trying something a little more in depth, such as ploting using the Y Axis and the AlternativeY axis. Your documentation has the following advice: "If you are displaying multiple data series, and their ranges are sufficiently different that it’s not practical to plot them on the same scale, you can create additional Y axes and plot each series against a different axis. To do this, add ChartAxis objects with suitable Minimum and Maximum properties to the Chart.AlternateYAxes collection. Each additional ChartAxis must have a unique Title. Then, for each data series that you want to use a nondefault Y axis, set its YAxisTitle to the title of the desired axis." A small glitch, the actual property is "Chart.AlternativeYAxes". Apart from that 'most' things are working, but I hope you can help me through these couple of things.
Heres the snip of xaml:
Hello I've never seen a data series being plotted against the wrong axis. Are you able to send some sample data that reproduces this? At the moment, to display the title of an alternate axis you would need to create an axis style/template. I'll work on making this more convenient and get back to you about it soon. Regards |
Hello The ChartAxis now has a TitleVisibility property. This will be available through the nightly builds from tomorrow the 23rd of March. By default, the X and Y axis titles are visible, and alternative axis titles are still collapsed. So now you can set the TitleVisibility property on the alternative axis to be visible. Let me know if there are other details you need sorted out. - Jason |