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General information

Member since: 27 March 2010

Forum posts: 201

Forum threads involving Soernt

Samples and .Net 4.0 version
Last updated about 9 years ago
TransitionContentControl within a control template
Last updated about 11 years ago
Status of requested features
Last updated about 11 years ago
LightSpeed 5 Wishlist
Last updated about 11 years ago
Suggestions & Thanks
Last updated about 12 years ago
Localization within an MVC project
Last updated about 12 years ago
OptimisticConcurrencyException while deleting
Last updated about 12 years ago
Table order is not considered right.
Last updated about 12 years ago
ValdiationError -> ValidationRules
Last updated about 12 years ago
EF4 - Designer enhancements...
Last updated about 12 years ago