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Member since: 24 December 2007

Forum posts: 45

Forum threads involving buildmaster

Cross cutting composite keys
Last updated about 7 years ago
Aggregate fetch from stored procedure
Last updated about 12 years ago
Eager load via Stored Procedure
Last updated about 13 years ago
Group + Sum
Last updated about 13 years ago
Help with a query
Last updated about 14 years ago
T-SQL Calculated Property
Last updated about 14 years ago
order by join... can it be made a left join?
Last updated about 14 years ago
Gobble-de-gook in stack trace and other places
Last updated about 14 years ago
Count Distinct
Last updated about 14 years ago
Mindscape Designer Not Loading
Last updated about 14 years ago
Linq lightspeed question
Last updated about 14 years ago
MonoRail exception
Last updated about 16 years ago
nunit 2.4.6 + Lightspeed crashes
Last updated about 16 years ago