Retrieve path of current file via variable or function - helps with VS Bundle transformations


Similar to SO Question and this.

Specific scenario -- using web workbench plugin for Visual Studio, writing some sassy files which include urls to assets, e.g.

  • /assets/plugins/PLUGINA/styles/somecssfile.scss references background images in...
  • /assets/plugins/PLUGINA/images/SOMEIMAGE.png like...
  • background-image: url(images/SOMEIMAGE.png)

But when using the .NET Optimization Bundling and Minification I bundle multiple css files (the output from WWB) to a new relative path like /assets/styles, it "breaks" the url path from the underlying stylesheet because the browser sees /assets/styles/images/SOMEIMAGE.png instead of where it actually resides.

Having a function or variable is really a convenience to needing to redeclare a $current-path placeholder in every file, so I can then declare

.a-rule { background-image: url(relativeToHere('images/SOMEIMAGE.png')); }

rather than

$relativePath: '/assets/foo/bar/bast';
.a-rule { background-image: url(#{$relativePath}/images/SOMEIMAGE.png'); }


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