WPF Elements forum

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Sticky threads
sticky thread WPF Property Grid FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
sticky thread Licensing exceptions FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread Bug Scatter Chart
Last post by raphaela.bf about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread Z order of the ScatterSeries in a composite chart
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Bug (?) in DataGrid Foreground when enabled/disabled.
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Questions regarding the Chart control
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Dual slider - how to show value labels on tick marks?
Last post by lmunnis about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread DataGrid: Filtering of bools doesn't work
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread [Chart] Updating ActrualMaximum from viewModel does not work!!
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread PolarLineSeries ItemsSource binding is not working when setup in code
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Problem with LogarithmicAxisValueConverter() and Zoom
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
5 replies
thread Chart - Scatter Series Styling
Last post by BluTek about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread Bug with IAxisValueConverter
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Graphic scale
Last post by raphaela.bf about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread In Chart, change the legend, so it's not the top most element
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread DropDownDatePicker Maximum not working for me
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Cannot bind IsVisible in DataGridColumn
Last post by nulikowski about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Tracking Element for Vertical curves
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread OutlookBar binding ItemsSource and providing a common style.
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
5 replies
thread Click/MouseDown event for a series in a graph.
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Scroll/View issue in DataGrid
Last post by nulikowski about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Bug in Chart component with several FloatingBarSeries
Last post by yael about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread Chart control re-instantiates the lines
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread DataGrid AllowUserToAddRows property not working, no ability to delete rows?
Last post by glacierlane about 10 years ago
7 replies
thread DataGrid KeyboardNavigation/TabStop control
Last post by glacierlane about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread Some questions regarding the Graph element
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Is there a way to "turn on" copy to clipboard in DataGrid?
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
4 replies