WPF Elements forum

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This forum has been locked and is no longer accepting new posts. If you have a support query regarding this product please email us at support@mindscape.co.nz

Sticky threads
sticky thread WPF Property Grid FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
sticky thread Licensing exceptions FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread DoubleTextbox rounds number to two decimal places.
Last post by yanmercal about 9 years ago
6 replies
thread Reload the plot with one axis for datetime - the curves disappeared
Last post by Gordon999 about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread AutoCompleteBox Selection Changed
Last post by ctludlow about 9 years ago
5 replies
thread Datagrid ContextMenu
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Colour Picker popup disappears before user can select colour.
Last post by OscarB about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread DataGrid - set validation state for a cell
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread WPF elements theme and TabControl/TabItem height issue
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread WPF elements data grid
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Context menu on data grid row when using Alloy Light theme
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread DataGrid Validation - ValidateCell event - Red box around cell disappear after scrolling up and down
Last post by OscarB about 9 years ago
5 replies
thread Datagrid - Row Validation
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Hittest for LineSeries
Last post by Gordon999 about 9 years ago
4 replies
thread Drag&Drop sorting in WPF Elements Datagrid
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Bug in Chart component with FloatingBarSeries and LineSeries
Last post by yael about 9 years ago
6 replies
thread SplitButton Command Binding in the MenuItem
Last post by eliz about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread How to enable cell content vertical scroll in DataGridCell
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread How to set the MinorTickMark of ChartAxis as LogarithmicAxis
Last post by hnxurui@163.com about 9 years ago
8 replies
thread Legend Height Problem
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Reset Lengend Style will crash the application
Last post by Gordon999 about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread DataGrid sorting lost after Unloaded/Loaded cycle
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Modify the last row of each column
Last post by klogue about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread AutoCompleteBox with UpdateSourceTrigger="PropertyChanged"
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Vertical axes charts plotted on top of each other
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
5 replies
thread Vertical axes infinite loop problem
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread Rendering data of heatmap series
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply