WPF Elements forum

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This forum has been locked and is no longer accepting new posts. If you have a support query regarding this product please email us at support@mindscape.co.nz

Sticky threads
sticky thread WPF Property Grid FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
sticky thread Licensing exceptions FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread tab order messed up in datagrid if some of the cell is readonly
Last post by Gordon999 about 10 years ago
9 replies
thread PropertyGrid throw null reference exception on delete
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread BarChart BarSizeFactor is lost
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread DataGrid crashes when using DropDownDatePicker as EditTemplate
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread chart zooming makes the whole application unresponsive
Last post by Gordon999 about 10 years ago
19 replies
thread DataGrid Ctrl + C problem when the displayed value is different than the value of the records
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Zooming problem when using logarimic axis
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread License Issue with WPF Elements Nightly Build Version 6.0.2837.23219
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
15 replies
thread Chart not displaying consistently when switch axis from regular to logarithmic scale.
Last post by OscarB about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Drag Column Divider Line to Resize the column width will failed at some conditions
Last post by Gordon999 about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread TargetInvocationException Editing a DataGrid Cell
Last post by David Ward about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread Cannot enter edit mode when clicking on DoubleTextBox, NumericTextBox, PercentageTextBox, IntegerTextBox
Last post by OscarB about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread TabIndex for DoubleEditBox does not seem to work.
Last post by OscarB about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread How can we make the labels of the Y-Axis for a Horizontal Bar Chart right aligned?
Last post by OscarB about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread The Zoom function of the Chart control has serious performance problem, help!
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
5 replies
thread NumericTextBox not doing the correct thing on German Windows
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread WPF Elements - DataGrid - Context Menu
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread WPF Elements on Two Computers
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread How to override the ctrl c behaviour on DataGrid?
Last post by Gordon999 about 10 years ago
5 replies
thread Urgent - Memory Holding Up RoutedEventHandler and RoutedEventHandlerInfo By DataGrid and DualSlider in ChartAxis
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread I cannot download the WPF Element of the customer version
Last post by Rossi.Luo about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread How to Change Axis Title Fonts and Legend Fonts.
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Framework 4
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread Easy way to collapse all category on PropertyGrid
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
4 replies
thread The AlternativeYAxes does not work when binding its title
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
5 replies