WPF Diagrams forum

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This forum has been locked and is no longer accepting new posts. If you have a support query regarding this product please email us at support@mindscape.co.nz

Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread SelectionMode Multiple or Extended problem
Last post by Jimmyhease about 7 years ago
2 replies
thread How to limit the diagram surface area to the area configured in the current printer page setup?
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
1 reply
thread Problem with hidden nodes while exporting to png
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
15 replies
thread Applying Layout Algorithm to Comment Node?
Last post by Jason about 7 years ago
1 reply
thread Strange behavior between undo/redo and DiagramConnectionElement
Last post by Mathieu Leguerinel about 8 years ago
6 replies
thread How to get the width and height of the textbox in node
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread Diagram Connection Relocation Problem
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread How to implement custom shape when nodes are dynamically loaded
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
3 replies
thread Unable to accept convite and/or recover password
Last post by jeremy about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread Unable to download
Last post by Emilyne about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread mindscape dll updates changed zorder?
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread adding idiagrammodel connections is slow
Last post by star693 about 8 years ago
5 replies
thread How to locate the position of (0,0)
Last post by wliu_whu about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread How to modify shape of connection points on path
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
5 replies
thread Exception when Dragging connections over a FlowDocument or another ContentElement
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread How to switch between Diagram Surface Styles
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
3 replies
thread Custom connection line with a alternative route
Last post by VidarDK about 8 years ago
6 replies
thread multitouch zooming
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread How to select a node programmatically
Last post by wliu_whu about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread Connection intersections calculated even when DiagramSurface.CanCalculateConnectionIntersections is false
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread License
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread How to change the connection Textbox style
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
3 replies
thread How to show Text in the left side of the StepNode
Last post by wliu_whu about 8 years ago
7 replies
thread Question regarding GridLayoutAlgorithm
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread How to add connections on Diamgramshapes.Rectangle and StepNode
Last post by wliu_whu about 8 years ago
3 replies