WPF Diagrams forum

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Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread Outbound connection points are hidden when i drag a new connection to the node's inbound connection point
Last post by gbenshim1 about 8 years ago
1 reply
thread Support for multiple versions of Mindscape WPF Diagrams in a single application
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
3 replies
thread How to auto width DiagramNodeElement in v3.0.2389.23368
Last post by nishanth.bhaktula about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread Dynamic Connection Point Styling For Connection Creation
Last post by jackknrsh7 about 8 years ago
2 replies
thread DiagramNode auto resize - inconsistent
Last post by Jason about 8 years ago
5 replies
thread Zoom buttons
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Axis question
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Sort/arrange/ordering of nodes in a TreeLayout diagram
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Clickable Button inside a custom styled DiagramNodeElement
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread How to highlight all the adjacent connections?
Last post by shuraz about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread Is it possible to add a DiagramNode to Surface without setting Bounds?
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread diagram redrawing itself with several portions missing
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Custom connection path while dragging.
Last post by gbenshim1 about 9 years ago
4 replies
thread Bezier connections/Custom connection path.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread Zoom stops working after animating it with DoubleAnimation.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Is there a way to drag more than one port at the same time
Last post by gbenshim1 about 9 years ago
4 replies
thread Connection points with custom template
Last post by gbenshim1 about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread How to always show the connection points?
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread How to implement node snapping?
Last post by gbenshim1 about 9 years ago
5 replies
thread Diagram Print
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
11 replies
thread Questions about WPF Diagram 4 (before we buy)
Last post by gbenshim1 about 9 years ago
11 replies
thread Export diagram to a bitmap in the background
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Can I get info of the relocating connection when its endpoint touches another connection
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread NumericTextBox does not look disabled when disabled
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread Node movement from keyboard arrows.
Last post by eliz about 9 years ago
4 replies