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Hello Support. We have just discovered what looks like a bug with how Migrations handles properties being removed from abstract classes. This is with LightSpeed nightly build LightSpeed50Professional-20140729. The attached reproducer ( has two classes, where there is an abstract parent (Entity1) with one property (PropA), and a ConcreteTableInheritance child (Entity2) with one property (PropB). The initial migration looks good - and it deploys to our MS SQL 2014 database fine. Now delete the property on the abstract parent (PropA). If you attempt to "Update Database" you will see that column PropA is about to be deleted from Entity2. Good. Update the database. Now create a Migration for the new state ( You will see nothing in the "When migrating up" list, but that PropA is to be added in the "When migrating down" list. The migration class generated also shows that no code is generated for the Up migration. Is this intended behaviour ? For now we are manually adding appropriate code to our migrations when deleting properties from abstract classes. Cheers, Simon. |
Thanks for reporting this and for the awesome repro steps and test project. Unfortunately this is a long standing known issue for us with CTI and the way the designer determines its changes. More unfortunately we are not able to fix this without a major overhaul of how we handle the detection code which is impractical for us at this time so you will need to leverage your workaround to handle this.
Hi Jeremy. Thanks for the clear reply. We can certainly continue detouring the CTI migrations issue removing properties from abstract classes. Is there a list of known issues ? We don't know what we don't know - so it would help us to know where the known issues with LightSpeed are, along with suggested detours. Cheers, Simon. |