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I have a standard Paging class that accepts an IQueryable and internally performs 2 executions. 1st is to get the total records and is nothing more than a Count() on the query. 2nd is a ToList() skipping and taking accordingly. Below is some sql generated from out Linq query which describes the problem. Not sure we need the outer where clause as it is already defined in the inner query. SELECT
I have tried this with the 11/11/2011 nightly build and the problem exists. Thanks, Jim |
Hi Jim, Just a quick note to let you know I have looked into this and we are currently applying a fix for this. Its not likely to be in time for tonight's build but we should have it in for tomorrow. Will update you once this is committed for the nightlies. The issue manifests where you have a query which will force a sub-query (such as a count over a projection from a joined query) and the primary entity has soft delete enabled. Jeremy |
Hi Jim, This fix has now been committed and will be available in the next nightly build.