WPF Elements forum

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This forum has been locked and is no longer accepting new posts. If you have a support query regarding this product please email us at support@mindscape.co.nz

Sticky threads
sticky thread WPF Property Grid FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
sticky thread Licensing exceptions FAQ
Last post by ivan about 15 years ago
0 replies
Feature requests
sticky thread Feature requests
thread Chart control within tab control issue
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Why cannot my team members post a thread in this forum?
Last post by Jianya.Shi about 9 years ago
4 replies
thread Poor Graph Performance for IBinding List DataSources
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Log type does not work correctly.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread About the auto scale of axis.
Last post by Yaron about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread Chart- the x axis's labels are not consistent with binding series's ItemsSource when the binding series's ItemsSource changes
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Radar Plot axes
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
9 replies
thread Autoscale not working the same on X axis as it is on Y axis
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Bug in LogarithmicAxisValueConverter() for negative numbers
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Chart - updating the property bound colours for 2000 lines is slower than clearing and adding the curve from scratch.
Last post by OscarB about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread Cannot switch between number type and timestamp type for X axis.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Styling a Grouped Grid
Last post by PLAILALOT about 9 years ago
5 replies
thread Poor performance when selecting a new object for the property grid
Last post by john-daniel about 9 years ago
16 replies
thread Force a filter on a WpfDataGrid
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Chart zooming makes the whole application unresponsive when zooming the chart very quickly and frequently
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread DropDownColorPicker - how to make dropdown open when user clicks anywhere on the combobox not just dropdown button.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread DropDownColorPicker - Popup containing DropDownColorPicker closes when a colour is selected.
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
1 reply
thread Datagrid Not Exporting All Columns
Last post by BluTek about 9 years ago
2 replies
thread The spline serie's maximum value has problem of the chart control
Last post by Jason about 9 years ago
3 replies
thread CoverFlow External Images Not Working, Please Help
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread DataGrid Adding/Removing Columns At Runtime
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
7 replies
thread WPFDataGrid Expanded Rows Issue
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
3 replies
thread The ChartGrid has bugs when binding its Visibility property
Last post by Rossi.Luo about 10 years ago
2 replies
thread DataGrid Issue
Last post by Jason about 10 years ago
1 reply
thread Chart problem when the axis value is string....
Last post by Gordon999 about 10 years ago
4 replies